Abanga and Grace Agro Industries Ghana Limited
840 Rice City
Mash Plaza, Gumani
Tamale N/R Ghana
is registered in Ghana under the provision of Sections 27 and 28 of the Companies Act, 1963 with effect from 1st day of March 2013 under the number CS155132103 and Value Added Tax VAT/TIN number TINC0001595180.
Board of Directors
Mr Thomas Abanga (CEO)
840 Rice City
Mash Plaza, Gumani
Tamale N/R Ghana
Responsible for content
Mr Thomas Abanga (CEO)
840 Rice City
Mash Plaza, Gumani
Tamale N/R Ghana
We are not obliged to participate in a dispute resolution procedure before a consumer arbitration service and do not offer this option.
The information provided by Abanga and Grace Agro Industries Ghana Limited is carefully checked and compiled to the best of our knowledge. We make every effort to continually expand and update this information. Nevertheless, we cannot guarantee the completeness, correctness and topicality of the contents of the website.