
Trailed type 1000, 1600, 2000 ltr field sprayer connected to the drawbar of tractor and getting drive from (P.T.O) are used for multipurpose plant protection.

With those sprayers all kinds of field crops could be sprayed. By means of TeeJet or conical nozzles on booms, destruction of weeds and diseases which are affecting the
health of plants like; wheat, barley, sorghum, corn, canola, raps, cotton, sugar beet, sunflower etc. is prevented. Sprayer booms are produced in lenghts 8, 10, 12, 14, 16 m.

Clean water hand washing tank is equipped on machine.

There are either mechanical as standard or balanced hydraulic lifting for adjusting height as optional system is available for the booms.
Boom sprayers are optimum for plant protection process such as herbicide, pesticide, fungicide etc. Also, for the sprayers, hoses and spray guns are attachable.

1000, 1600, 2000 ltr sprayer tanks are produced from polyethylene or fiberglass material.

The booms are connected to the damper system from two sides and it enables the distance along the whole arm to be parallel to the ground and provides equal level between the nozzles and the surface which will be sprayed.

When, the sprayer booms are in the working position, the fixed double spring tension system enables it to follow a regular line and the end boom are opened and connected to the central boom by means of the locked-pin mechanism, in this way the lever will be rigid.